Recent INSIGHT Publications
Species distribution models for the eastern blacklegged tick, Ixodes scapularis, and the Lyme disease pathogen, Borrelia burgdorferi, in Ontario, Canada.
Slatculescu, A.M., Clow, K.M, McKay, R., Talbot, B., Logan, J.J., Thickstun, C.R., Jardine, C.M., Ogden, N.H., Knudby, A.J., Kulkarni, M.A. (2020) PLOS ONE (In Press).
Woodchip borders at the forest ecotone as an environmental control measure to reduce questing tick density along recreational trails in Ottawa, Canada
McKay R, Talbot B, Slatculescu A, Stone A, Kulkarni MA (2020) Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases 11(2):101361.
Dengue incidence and sociodemographic conditions in Pucallpa, Peruvian Amazon: what role for modification of the dengue-temperature relationship?
Charette, M., Berrang-Ford, L., Coomes, O., Llanos Cuentas, A., Cárcamo, C., Kulkarni, M.A., Harper, S. (2019) American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.19-0033. [Epub ahead of print]
Utilization of key preventive measures for pregnancy complications and malaria among women in Jimma Zone, Ethiopia
Ouedraogo M, Kurji J, Abebe L, Labonté R, Morankar S, Haji Bedru K, Bulcha G, Abera M, Potter BK, Roy-Gagnon M-H, Kulkarni MA. (2019) BMC Public Health 9(1):1443. doi: 10.1186/s12889-019-7727-8.
Effectiveness of Upgraded Maternity Waiting Homes and Local Leader Training in Improving Institutional Births among Women in Jimma Zone, Ethiopia: study protocol for a cluster-randomized controlled trial
Kurji J*, Kulkarni MA*, Abebe L, Abera M, Morankar S, HajiBedru K, Bulcha G, Thavorn K, Labonte R, Taljaard M. (2019) Trials 20(1):671 [*co-primary authors]
Factors associated with maternity waiting home use among women in Jimma Zone, Ethiopia: a multilevel cross-sectional analysis
Kurji J, Abebe L, Abera M, Sudhakar M, Asefa Y, Kiros G, Mamo A, Bergen N, Asfaw S, Haji Bedru K, Bulcha G, Labonte R, Taljaard M, Kulkarni MA (2019) BMJ Open 9:e028210. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-028210
Maternity waiting areas – serving all women? Barriers and enablers of an equity-oriented maternal health intervention in Jimma Zone, Ethiopia.
Bergen, N., Abebe, L., Asfaw, S., Kiros, G., Kulkarni, M.A., Mamo, A., Morankar, S., Labonté, R. (2019) Global Public Health ​doi: 10.1080/17441692.2019.1597142. [Epub ahead of print].
Perceptions and experiences related to health and health inequality among rural communities in Jimma Zone, Ethiopia: a rapid qualitative assessment
Bergen, N., Mamo, A., Asfaw, S., Kiros, G., Abebe, L., Kurji, J., Kulkarni, M.A., Abera, M., Bulcha, G., Morankar, S., Labonté, R. (2018) ​International Journal for Equity and Health 17:84.
High-resolution ecological niche modelling of Ixodes scapularis ticks based on passive surveillance data at the northern frontier of Lyme disease emergence in North America
Soucy, J-P., Slatculescu, A., Nyiraneza, C., Ogden, N., Leighton, P.A., Kerr, J.T., Kulkarni, M.A. (2018) Vectorborne & Zoonotic Diseases 18(5):235-242.
Mapping clusters of chikungunya and dengue transmission in Northeastern Tanzania using disease exposure and vector data
Kajeguka, D., Kaaya, R., Desrochers, R., Iranpour, M., Kavishe, R.A., Mwakalinga, S., Schiøler, K.L., Alifrangis, M., Lindsay, L.R., Dibernardo, A., Mosha, F.W., Kulkarni, M.A. (2017) Tanzania Journal of Health Research 19(4): 1-12
Knowledge and Practice Regarding Dengue and Chikungunya: a cross sectional study among Healthcare Workers and Community in Northern Tanzania
Kajeguka, D.C., Desrochers, R., Mwangi, R., Mgabo, M.R., Alifrangis, M., Kavishe, R.A., Mosha, F.W., Kulkarni, M.A. (2017) Tropical Medicine & International Health 22(5): 583-593
Examination of antibody responses as a measure of exposure to malaria in the Indigenous Batwa and their non-Indigenous neighbours in southwestern Uganda
Kulkarni, M.A., Garrod, G., Berrang-Ford, L., Ssewanyana, I., Harper, S., Baraheberwa, N., Donnelly, B., Patterson, K., Namanya, D.B., Lwasa, S., Drakeley, C.D. (2017) American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene 9(2): 330-334
Plasmodium falciparum malaria parasitaemia among indigenous Batwa and non-Indigenous communities of Kanungu district, Uganda
Donnelly, B., Berrang-Ford, L., Labbé, J., Twesigomwe, S., Lwasa, S., Namanya, D.B., Harper, S.L., Kulkarni, M.A., Ross, N.A., IHACC Research Team, Michel, P. (2016) Malaria Journal 15: 254
Potential for Zika virus introduction and transmission in resource limited countries in Africa and Asia-Pacific
Bogoch, I.I., Brady, O., Kraemer, M.U.G., German, M., Creatore, M.I., Kulkarni, M.A., Brownstein, J. S., Brent, S., Watts, A., Hay, S., Khan, K. (2016) Lancet Infectious Diseases 16(11): 1237-1245
Food and Environmental Parasitology Network: A Network for the Facilitation of Collaborative Research
Dixon, B.R., Ndao, M., Tetro, J.A., Maal-Bared, R., Bidawid, S., Farber, J.M. and Members of the Food and Environmental Parasitology Network (FEPN) (including Kulkarni, M.A.) (2014) Food Protection Trends 34(6): 376-385
Distribution and Spread of Pyrethroid and DDT Resistance among the Anopheles gambiae complex in Tanzania
Kabula, B., Tungu, P., Malima, R., Rowland, M., Minja, J., Willilo, R., Ramsan, M., McElroy, P., Kafuko, J., Kulkarni, M.A., Protopopoff, N., Magesa, S., Mosha, F., and Kisinza, W. (2014) Medical & Veterinary Entomology 28(3): 244-252
Relative undernourishment and severe food insecurity are associated with Plasmodium falciparum infection among Batwa pygmies in Uganda: evidence from a cross-sectional malariological survey
Lewnard, J.A., Berrang-Ford, L., Lwasa, S., Namanya, D.B., Patterson, K.A., Donnelly, B., Kulkarni, M.A., Harper, S.L., Ogden, N.H., Carcamo, C.R., Nasinyama, G.W. (2014) American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene 91(1): 39-49
Improved equity achieved by integrating distribution of insecticide-treated bednets with a measles vaccination campaign in Madagascar
Goodson, J.L, Kulkarni, M.A., Vanden Eng, J., Wannemuehler, K., Hoppe Cotte, A., Desrochers,R.E., Randriamanalina, B., and Luman, E.T. (2012) Tropical Medicine & International Health 17(4): 430-7
Contribution of integrated campaign distribution of long-lasting insecticidal nets to coverage of target groups and total populations in malaria-endemic areas of Madagascar
Kulkarni, M.A., Vanden Eng, J., Desrochers, R.E., Cotte, A., Goodson, J.G., Johnston, A., Wolkon, A., Erskine, M., Berti, P., Rakotoarisoa, A., Ranaivo, L. and Peat, J. (2010) American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 82(3): 420-425